Delyo's garden

It's not an actual tinylog

2024-06-19: This restyling and update might come as a shock to my mum, who sometimes reads this.

2024-06-16: Restyling my site... again. The default font and autumny theme seems too raw. I changed it to a font with wider beaked terminals[^1] and a whiter background with a splash of color. It looks less like the memoirs of an early UNIX adopter and more like a proper way to read. It's more gentle this way.

2024-02-22: Spending way too much time figuring out how to create a "simple" bash script to update this page from the command line. Guess what tool was used for this entry... well not my bash script that's for sure!

2024-02-22: Went to workshop @ iMAL Brussels.

2024-02-21: Me and M struggled for an hour and a half to find where exactly our JS regex.exec() function was effing up in capturing otherwise valid matches. Guess what, turns out Showdown convets (rightfully so) > characters to HTML safe entities. We used > in our regex and should've used > => turns out that you should CHECK THE OUTPUT every time instead of baning your head against the wall for a single character...

2024-01-16: Thinking about a hobby project to stay active. A RPi music system maybe. More costly than a music player on my PC, but less than a dedicated stereo. I need a way to listen to music that doesn't make me gravitate towards the computer. Kick that addiction in the sack.

2023-12-29: I have to create a way to automate updating my site and then pushing it to a git and to the FTP server. Using 4 programs for this when I could do it at once just takes more time.

2023-12-29: I keep gravitating towards lightweight new-old digital practices. IRC, Gemini, static sites, simple markdown. Wonder why.

2023-12-28: So I quicksaved just before an overpowered turret 3ft from me started opening fire. I keep respawning just at the second it kills me, so that's great. I get to see my character's death before I can even fully spawn.

[^1]: Terminals are the ends of different parts of a glyph/character. Beaked terminals have pointy endings, like a beak.